Beat Heat-Related Dangers on Your Job Sites
Summer is here, and with that brings thousands of heat-related illnesses each year that affect workers. To help bring awareness to workers and mitigate these risks, OSHA along with NIOSH has launched a new app designed to address weather-related hazards for workers during summer months.
The Heat Safety Tool is available for download on both iOS and Android devices and features real-time heat index hour-by-hour according to your location. It also provides signs and symptoms for many different heat-related illnesses and first aid procedures if you or one of your workers are affected.
The Heat Safety Tool Features:
- A visual indicator of the current heat index and associated risk levels specific to your current geographical location
- Precautionary recommendations unique to heat index-associated risk levels
- An interactive, hourly forecast of heat index values, risk level, and recommendations for planning outdoor work activities in advance
- Editable location, temperature, and humidity controls for calculation of variable conditions
- Signs and symptoms and first aid information for heat-related illnesses
According to OSHA, “extreme heat exposure is the leading cause of death among weather-related hazards, prompting more than 65,000 emergency room visits annually. In 2014, 18 workers died from heat stroke or other heat-related causes.”
NIOSH recommends several measures to help workers stay safe in hot conditions:
- Limit exposure time and/or increase recovery time in cool conditions.
- Provide an adequate supply of cool water and encourage frequent consumption.
- Increase the number of workers per task.
- Provide workers and supervisors with heat stress training.
For more information, or to download the app, visit: