The Right Call for Workplace Injuries
A jobsite accident is something that all employers work hard to avoid. The result is an injured employee/worker in need of treatment, production slows (or stops) and property or equipment could be damaged. Many things go through an employer’s or foreman’s head when an accident or injury occurs.
- How did it happen?
- What is the condition of the worker?
- What emergency steps do we need to take to get them proper treatment?
- Do I need to contact the state?
- What do I or we do next?
Too often, a very important question or step is not addressed!
- Who, when and how do I report the claim?
Once the immediate concerns are addressed with regards to the injured worker(s), the next step needs to be reporting the claim to your workers compensation provider. Several key elements will benefit all parties involved, from the employer, to the injured worker, to the insurance provider. Proper care and treatment is critical in recovery and helps prevent further damage or infection. Whether it be a minor cut or a catastrophic fall from a roof, all claims need to be reported immediately. Too avoid unnecessary penalties, claims cost and set backs in the treatment or healing, timely reporting is a must for any employer.
Be certain to assess the lines of communication, from the job site, to the office/management, to the workers’ compensation provider. Doing so will streamline the timing and accuracy of the process. The claims department with your workers compensation provider needs to receive as much detail about the accident and the condition of the worker as soon as possible. An informative first report and contact info for the injured worker or witnesses to the accident will help in claims management. As much as we try to avoid a work place accident, they do happen. Being prepared with a plan of action, getting the worker proper treatment and timely claims reporting will in fact protect the bottom line.
Workforce Business Services clients have a 24/7 claims hot line that any or all workplace accidents and injuries are to be reported to immediately.
Note: Proper documentation and employee sign off should be maintained for all company training.